Entrepreneurial Orientation Factors of University Graduates in the Cameroonian Context : The Case of the Far North.


  • GODOM André Protestant University of Congo


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Entrepreneurial Orientation Factor, Far North Of Cameroon, University Graduates


Purpose : The objective of this study is to determine the entrepreneurial orientation factors of young university graduates in Cameroon, in a context where businesses evolve in an unstable, unpredictable environment.

Methodology : To achieve this objective, an analysis was carried out on exploratory survey data collected from 198 university-educated entrepreneurs in the Far North region of Cameroon, using chi-square independence tests between variables such as gender, education and age to confirm their impact on the orientation of entrepreneurial specialization.

Findings : The results of this study showed that only gender and entrepreneurial education appear as factors in entrepreneurial orientation in the present study. While for men, there seems to be no limit to engaging in a particular activity, women do not have this flexibility, as they find it easier to orientate themselves in activities such as trade, hairdressing and catering, but not in activities such as butchery and banking.

Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy : Given that the study also shows that, thanks to training, young entrepreneurs have the flexibility to operate in all sectors of activity, particularly those requiring specific knowledge such as health services, it is therefore recommended that Cameroonian public authorities step up the promotion of entrepreneurship training to encourage young people to become self-employed.


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Author Biography

GODOM André, Protestant University of Congo

phd student


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How to Cite

André, G. (2024). Entrepreneurial Orientation Factors of University Graduates in the Cameroonian Context : The Case of the Far North. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 9(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.47941/jepm.1606


