Influence of Retirement Experiences on Psychological Well-Being of Retired Teachers in East Gonja Municipality, Ghana


  • John N-yelbi University of Education



Retirement Experiences, Psychological Well-Being, Retired Teachers


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of retirement experiences on psychological well-being of retired teachers in the East Gonja Municipality. The study employed a quantitative approach underpinned by analytical cross-sectional design. The target population of the study comprised of retired teachers in the East Gonja Municipality. A total of 320 retired teachers from East Gonja Municipality were purposively selected to constitute the sample for the study.

Methodology: Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) and Psychological Well-Being Scale were adopted for data collection. Data was analysed using means and standard deviation and linear regression.

Findings: The study found that most of the retired teachers in the East Gonja Municipality in the Savannah Region of Ghana experience positive emotions, express optimism, and are satisfied with their lives in their retirement phase of life.

Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: The study concludes that retirement experiences are unique and can be a liberating experience for retired teachers, where they can pursue their interests and hobbies without any restrictions. It is recommended that retirement should be a time for retired teachers to focus on their health and well-being, a time they can pursue activities that promote physical and mental health. This study recommends to education system to provide pre-retirement counselling and post-retirement support programmes, focusing on mental health and well-being. Also, the study recommends to pension and retirement agencies to develop and implement workshops and peer support programmes to promote retired teachers' psychological well-being, addressing issues of social isolation and identity loss.


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Author Biography

John N-yelbi, University of Education

Department of Counselling Psychology

Faculty of Applied Behavioural Sciences in Education


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How to Cite

N-yelbi, J. (2024). Influence of Retirement Experiences on Psychological Well-Being of Retired Teachers in East Gonja Municipality, Ghana. Journal of Advanced Psychology, 6(1), 1–20.


